Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas JOY!

Far way in Bethlehem
Many years ago
Was born a special baby
That you all surely know.

Angels waited for his birth
While shepherds watched their sheep.
Wise men searched the sky for a sign
While Bethlehem was asleep.

The baby's mom was Mary
Joseph was his pop.
They had to make a long, long trip.
In Bethlehem they stopped.

They looked for a room, but there
Was no place for them to stay.
So Mary and Joseph spent the night
In a stable filled with hay.

Angels waited for his birth
While shepherds watched their sheep.
Wise men searched the sky for a sign
While Bethlehem was asleep.

The stable wasn't fancy
But it was warm and dry.
As Mary and Joseph settled in
Stars twinkled in the sky.

The cattle and the horses
Softly lowed and neighed.
While doves and an owl perched high above
Mice rustled in the hay.


That night the special babe was born
And angels began to sing
"Hosanna in the highest!
Glad tidings do we bring!"


To shepherds and sheep in the fields below
The angels sang with joy
"Hurry on to Bethlehem
To meet God's baby boy!"

Angels sang a birthday song
To shepherds and their sheep.
Wise men searched the sky for a sign
While Bethlehem was asleep.

The shepherds woke up all their sheep
And did what the angel said.
They were the first to meet the babe
And see where he laid his head.

Suddenly, high in the sky
A beautiful star shone bright.
In a land far, far away
Wise men saw it's light.

The wise men knew that something good
Had happened on that day.
For many nights they traveled.
The star showed them the way.

When they got to Bethlehem
And saw the little babe
The wise men gave him wonderful gifts
And on their knees they prayed.


This little babe, God's only son,
Was sent from heaven above.
A gift for people everywhere
Filled with all God's love.

Angels sang a birthday song
To shepherds and their sheep
Wise men followed yonder star
While Bethlehem was asleep.

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