Monday, October 20, 2014

Drumroll, please.....

Here's how many BoxTops we have collected so far this year:

Amazing!  That's $481.50 worth of those little coupons and all of that money goes towards special programs and field trips for our kids.  This is just the first submission of the year.  We will have several more so keep clipping!

Our Pirate Pizza Party contest continues until the end of March and the three classes who have collected the most BoxTops will win fun classroom parties with the Pizza Pirate!  Arrrgh!

Lisa C. had the guess closest to the actual number of tops, so...

Each time you bring in a completed sheet (25 BoxTops) your child will get to pick a prize from the pirate's treasure chest and your class will get one point towards the pizza party at the end of the year.

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