Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Stuck-at-Home Storytime Presents "The Dark, Dark Night"

Grab your flashlights and get ready to play with shadows!  Stuck-at-Home Storytime presents a fun story about a frog who was very excited that it was spring:  The Dark, Dark Night.  This story was written by M. Christina Butler.  Jane Chapman drew the pictures.  (Do you recognize her name?  Can you think of another book that we have read that was illustrated by Jane Chapman?  I'll tell you at the end of this post!)

He spends the whole day playing with his friends until finally it gets too dark to play any longer.  Frog heads home to his pond.  But when he gets home - EEK! - he meets a HUGE pond monster!  Will he ever swim in his pond again?  Will his friends come to his aid?  Will they figure out who the pond monster really is?  Let's find out!

Now here's the part where you need your flashlights.  Go get them... I'll wait for you...

Okay!  Let's make some shadows!  Turn off the lights and use your flashlight to cast shadows on a wall like this:

I used little woodland creatures, but you can use anything to make a shadow.  Even yourself!

Send me a picture of what YOU did with your flashlight.  Have your parent post it on Instagagram and tag @saintandrewspreschoolraleigh.  Or post it on our Facebook page - Saint Andrews Presbyterian Preschool.  I'd love to see your shadows!

Did you think of an answer to my question?  What books have we read that were illustrated by Jane Chapman?  Here's the answer:

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Stuck-at-Home Storytime Presents "Dragons Love Tacos"

It's Taco Tuesday!  What else would we read but Dragons Love Tacos?  I love this funny book.  Adam Rubin wrote the words and Daniel Salmieri drew the pictures.

Have you ever hosted a party for dragons?  No?  Well here's a tip if you ever do:  Dragons LOVE tacos.  Really!  All kinds of tacos - big ones, small ones, beef and chicken tacos, even several kinds of tacos you've never even thought of.  So, remember, all you have to do when a dragon comes to your party is have plenty of yummy tacos.  If you do that one thing, nothing could possibly go wrong... or could it?

Now let's read the story.

Well that was some fire-breathing fun, wasn't it?  And now we know the second thing to remember when you invite dragons over for some tacos - NO spicy salsa!

Hey, I have an idea!  Why don't we make a taco party of our own?  Let's gather up some craft supplies.  Get things like paper and glue sticks and scissors, paper plates (if you have any), some tissue paper or coffee filters, and definitely some markers.  I also found some of those paper shreds that you put in a gift bag.  Really anything you have is fine cause we are going to use our imaginations to make these tacos!

Now start cooking... the dragons will be here soon.  Remember, no spicy salsa!

Remember, these are YOUR tacos.  Make them any way you like!  Be sure to give them a try to make sure they taste perfect.  They aren't too spicy, are they?

Do you think the dragons will like them?  Good!  Maybe you should open a taco stand next.  Dragons will come from all over town to have one of your delicious tacos.  Better make an extra batch, just in case the dragons invite their friends.

If you want to tell me your favorite part of this story or send me a picture of your tacos, ask a parent to post it on Instagram and tag me: 


See you tomorrow for another Stuck-at-Home Storytime!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Stuck-at-Home Storytime Presents "Stick and Stone"

We may be stuck at home for a while, but that's no reason to miss the stories and activities we are used to.  So for the next two weeks we will have 
Stuck-at-Home Storytime!

Today's story is a tale of friendship and looking out for each other.

Now that you've heard their story, let's go into the backyard to find the characters.  See if you can find a stone that looks like a zero, a stick that looks like a one, and a pinecone.  While you are hunting, see if you can find anything else that might be another character in this story.  Ready?  I'll look in my backyard too.  Meet me back here when you are finished...

What did you find?  Here's what I saw in my backyard:

Stick and stone, of course.  A perfect 10.

And, look, Pinecone has made a friend!  

Along the way I found these guys... Leaf, Bark and Needles!

Now let's think of some things we can do with sticks and stones and even cones.  

Stones are great for making towers.  How many can you stack up with falling?

Sticks are good for practicing your letters in the sandbox.

Look how many different sizes of pinecones I found.  I ordered them biggest to smallest.

Now it's your turn to have some fun.  If you want to send me a picture of what you saw in your backyard or how you played with sticks and stones and pinecones (or anything else you found), ask a parent to post them on Instagram and tag me: 
